Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Time to Review, Reflect and Rivise

Human beings are essentially farmers - we grow things, from ourselves to our relationships, our children, our work and our communities, even our world.  And winter is the perfect time to take a close look at what we have grown the past year.  Instead of the conventional idea of New Years Resolutions why not do a Review, Reflect and Revise process.  Using your day planner, whether it is paper or digital take a look at what you did or did not do this past year.  If you do not use a day planner - this is a terrific time to start. 

Review - What Grew and What Languished on the Vine Last Year?

First list the things you are most proud of doing and growing this past year.  Then list your basic tasks and responsibilities - give yourself a grade for these.  For example if you went to work on time, did your job well and felt good about your efforts then give yourself an A.  But if you went to work on time every day but were miserable and wanted to quit most of the time then maybe you earned only a C or less.

Then list those things you said yes to and are proud of - but also list those things you said no to and felt the same.  But also list those things you said yes or no to but did not feel good about it.  Then list the challenges you faced and what you did or did not do about them.  Some of these things languished on the vine and some are still there waiting for your attention.  Make sure you put these on your list of what needs to be revised.

Reflect - Then Take Some Time to Think About Actions Last Year

All successful farmers use the winter months to review and reflect on how their crops turned out the previous year and to make revision for the coming year.  They ask themselves what needs to change, what needs to be nurtured and tended to and what is doing fine with no revisions. It's important to look at those things you gave yourself less than an A on and think about how you can either improve or eliminate them.  In addition, the successful famer uses resources at their disposal such as reading proactive books, taking a class, or finding a mentor to help them become more successful in their work. 

Revise - Make a Plan of Revision - An Action Plan

In order to grow and become more successful in your own work and life you too, like a conventional farmer, will  need to review, reflect and then revise as well.  This revision becomes your Action Plan for the coming year.  Type it up and put it somewhere that you can see it every day.  Refer back to it during the year and make sure you are taking action to grow your life. 

BTW, if you find that this process uncovers things you feel challenged to do own your own, consider hiring a life coach with this focus.  I do this kind of work myself and would love to hear your story and see if we hit it off.  All you have to do is either call me or email me.  

Blessings,  Lorraine

You have to see it to make it happen and take action to make it real
720-258-5963 - lorrainebanfield@msn.com

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