Thursday, September 9, 2021

The World of Worked has Changed Radically, Have You Changed With it?

When I got my master's degree over twenty years ago I did some research, wrote some articles and helped my clients come to terms with the changing world of work, which at that time was just getting started with all the changes we are now facing.  But in most cases my clients didn't want to address this or simply wanted to stay the same, skate through this upheaval, as best they could, and then retire when they got to retirement age.  

Then I wrote a book, Second Act Soul's Calls - Your Guide for the Re-Invention of your life at Midlife and Beyond with Passion, Purpose and Possibilities -  published in 2013 - which was about how your soul has a plan for you and that at midlife you could hear this call and make some changes and create a new life for yourself, but again, most people not only didn't want to hear this call, but actively remained the same, by continuing to do what they had been doing all along.  But the world continues to change and we either change with it or become like the dinosaurs - those giant beasts that roamed the world several million years ago and are now extinct.   

You Can Only Change What You Do - Not Who You Are

BTW, I don't believe that people can change their basic personality type or temperament, what they can do is change what they do in relation to the world around them.  In fact, I would say that we all need to know and understand our basic temperament and personality type.  Once we know and accept this we can begin to react to the world as it changes and do it in a way that fits who we are at a soul level.  For example, I am an ENFP - an Advocate for others  - on the Myers-Briggs personality scale - which also makes me an Idealist temperament.  Therefore, for me to know and pay attention to how the world of work has changed radically in the last twenty years and especially since the Pandemic, and then write about this, fits who I am at a deep, soul level.  It's what I do.  

But What About You?  

What do you do?  What changes have you made to address the changes in the world of work?  Or have you just put your head in the sand and tried to hang on - until retirement, as I said.  But retirement is not the same either - people are living longer and they need something to do other than go on a perpetual vacation.  When retirement was first developed back in the 1930,s  most people only lived a few years past it and were often not particularly healthy - but the average retired person today is very healthy and can expect to live another twenty or thirty years.  What have you noticed about the world of work in the last ten to fifteen years that you know is going to change that world for you and others.  

Last night on PBS, there was a show on all the technological innovations that have taken over the world of work. In one, a person was getting surgery and the "surgeon'" was a robot.   In this show the robot was monitored by a real surgeon - but my guess is that within a short time, the person watching the surgery will no longer be a medical doctor, but a trained technician and that he or she will be using technology to check to make sure the robot is doing it right, but that at some point, sooner rather than later, it will all be technolgy with only a limited number of technicians keeping things going for patients getting surgery.  

Now What?  Now What, Indeed!  

What I see with this is that what the world of work is going to need in the future is a whole lot of technicians doing the work that in the old days - in 2021 - was done by educated and trained individuals who used their training and education to do the job, not a computer program, but their own brain.  But with all these technological changes, the human brain may become obsolete.  

Oh, No!  That Can't Happen!  We Won't Let It!

In fact, what I would say is that the world of work is inhabited by human beings and we can and do have a lot to say about how it works.  So the number one thing we need to do is pay attention to our work, especially where and how we work.  And to notice what has changed and is changing so that we can do something before our brains and our human spirit is completely outdated.    

Look for Satisfaction, Joy and Wonder in your work!

And if you don't find that, then begin to look for and find work that does do this for you.  Also, look for  others who are doing work you enjoy and join them.  Or find organizations that support and advocate for joyful and satisfying work and become a member.  The bottom line is the world or work is changing and either you change what you do in relation to it or become like those dinosaurs, just pictures in a book on the world of work before the big shift happened.  

Are You Paying Attention?

If you put your head down and just hang on - what do you think will happen to you and your life?  This is the big question at this time.  Think on it and let me know your thoughts.  



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"You have to see it to believe it and take action to make it real."  

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