Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Is Your Ego Running Wild? While Your Soul Remains Unheeded?

James Hillman said in his book, The Soul's Code - In Search of Character and Calling, that we all come with gifts and talents and that we are here to use them for the greater good, that is, if we want to live a good and purpose filled life.   At the same time, we all have an ego that in most cases keeps us on track with our lives, including what our soul's want for us.  But sometimes we focus only on ego related things and lose touch with what our soul's want for us.  You may get the occasional twinge of a soul related thought or feeling but many people are all ego focused with little soul coming to the forefront of their lives.  

We Live in an Ego Focused World

As young people we went to school and were taught the three R's; reading, writing and arithmetic and we did this using our egos, with almost no soul involved.  It was a matter of learning these things so we could function in the world in a positive and successful way.  This has produced a population of people with strong egos.  In general, we all - most of us anyway - know how to read, write and do math - we are a well educated society.  But are we a soulful society?  I wonder about this, I really do.  

What Would a Soulful Society Look Like?

In my work I urge people to get in touch with their souls and to do and act on their soul's messages.  This can be a delightful prospect or a daunting undertaking.  It depends on how ego focused they are.  In some ways the ego is like a strong protector of the individual person - it will not let anything get in the way of the individual's desires.  But ego desires are often in direct conflict with soul desires.  Let's say your employer offers you a new job in a different city and state, with a higher salary and more responsibility.  Your ego says, "Go for it." and you agree to take this new job.  But once you begin the process of this new ego related position - you can't sleep at night or you wake up at 4am wondering what in the world you have just done to your self and your family.  This is your soul tapping you on the shoulder and asking you to consider the consequences of this action.  

A Soulful Society Would Look More Temperate 

Of course a temperate world is not as exciting and tantalizing as one that is wild and wholly, and if you are a single person with no dependents or with no plans to become a parent, then maybe this job would be okay for you.  But even then, you need to check in with your soul to make sure you have decided on the right thing for you.  Because here is the deal, any decision you make in your life will often affect other people, so you have to consider them.  That's part of living in a temperate world.  Other people affect us as we go along, making decision.  

Ego and Soul Decision Making - The Dance of Equals 

But let's get back to making life decisions based on our ego and not our souls.  What I tell my clients is that all of one's life decisions must be both ego and soul considered.  It's a dance and the ego leads, but the soul brings the rhythm.  I call it a dance of equals.  If it's all ego, it will be kind of stiff and if it's all soul, it might be off in the corner doing something no one understands.  

It's like reading a great book - the ego wrote the book and the reader understands this but if the writer did no include his/her soul in writing the book, it will be less than what it could have been.  It might be entertaining but it won't be touching, meaningful or soulful.     

If You Want Your Life to be Meaningful and Soulful 

Then I suggest you get in touch with your soul and see what he/she has to say about whatever you are considering.  Even if it is a small thing, the ego may set you on what appears to be a good path, but if there is no soul to this new path - your soul will tap you on the shoulder and get your attention.  BTW, the soul speaks in metaphor and symbols, unlike the ego who speaks, more or less in direct messages.  If you make a major life decision and then you can't get to sleep at night or you oversleep and are late to work, it could be that there is something soulful that is unaddressed by this decision.   

Create Some Soul Time

We all need some soul time in our lives.  Always attending to some task or chore, watching movies and television shows, or going out with friends is not soul time.  Soul time is alone time.  Now it doesn't have to be a lot of time, an hour or even half an hour a day dedicated to getting in touch with your soul is often time enough.  Some writers call this "going home" time.  Call it what you like, but make sure you carve out some time to get in touch with your soul.  If you do, I guarantee you will be a happier, more relaxed and purpose driven individual.    

Blessings,  Lorraine 

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