Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Become A Beacon for Beauty

It's Thanksgiving week and most of us will stop and say a few words of gratitude on Thursday and that is a beautiful thing to do, but I would like to suggest a way to increase the level of gratitude we feel on a daily basis.  I call it becoming a beacon of beauty.  I like the idea of becoming a beacon, a light that shines out onto others to guide them into beauty and tranquility.  Because truly, beauty is what we all seek, so this Thanksgiving begin this process and see what beauty shows up in your life and of course in the life of others.

Here are five things you can do to shine your light out there now...
  1. Make a conscious decision to notice the beauty around you
  2. Mention this beauty out loud to those around you - even if they are strangers
  3. Begin a Beauty Journal - At bedtime, write down what beauty you have seen that day 
  4. Create something beautiful yourself
  5. Share your creation with others

Start with these or come up with ones yourself.  I leave you with this quote...

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting...Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wish you beauty and blessings,

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