Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Are You Shopping for Solutions to Life's Challenges?

We live in a world that markets and sells the solution to all of life's challenges. If you have a problem you will be told via the Internet, Television and other sources that all you have to do is purchase the solution with this or that product or service.  We are bombarded by these ads on a relentless basis, from drugs that will cure us, supplements that will prevent problems from developing, exercise programs and equipment that will keep us healthy and young, to ambulance chasing attorneys who will get you a million bucks if you've been in an auto accident. We are also sold political ads that tell us what to think and how to vote.  Then there are of course, all the recreational and pleasurable actives we can purchase that sell us the good life.  And one of my favorites, the beauty ads - hair, make up and face creams that try to guarantee us that we will never get old.   

Now don't get me wrong - I love shopping and of course we need or at least want all kinds of things like food, shelter, exercise, health care, professional services, entertainment and so on but when it comes to solving life's more challenging aspects we need to look inside and find the answer with in us.  As Karl Jung said,

"He who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside, awakens."

So the next time you find yourself struggling with some existential angst, try looking inside yourself for the answer.  Each us is gifted with who and what we are and that includes what we can do with our lives.  We do not have to shop for the answer, all we have to do is get in touch with what is already inside ourselves.  Now this may mean that what you find will require you to do something that does require a bit pf shopping.  Let's say you find that what you really want to do with your life is be a writer, or a professor, a nurse or doctor - well all these things require education and learning.  So you will have to shop for a school to attend or books to read people who can help you with your call.    I use the word call as that is what your insides will illuminate for you - what you are here to do with your life, your calling.  And of course, once you hear your call, you will most likely need to do some shopping in order to make it happen.  I call this Target Shopping.  

Do Some Target Shopping To Make it Happen
Once you wake up to what you want in your life then going out and target shopping to make that happen flows easily and that's how you know you are on the right track.  Once you look inside and hear your call, things begin to flow.   But if that is not happening maybe you need a little help and that's what I do with people, I help them discover who they are and what they long to do with their life.  If you feel stuck or lost in the woods then give me a call - I am here to help you - it's what I found inside myself when I looked within.

Blessings, Lorraine

New Visions -At Wellness WithIn
720-258-5963 - Email

"You have to see it to believe it and take action to make it real"

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