Friday, February 10, 2012

If You Want Love, You Gotta Bring it With You

It's Friday afternoon and I decided that I just had to clean my studio, the room I do my writing and creating in - it was a mess - one thing I know is that to be creative, you can't worry too much about being neat, it stops the flow of creativity, at least it does for me. So as I'm working I like to listen to some R&B - it helps me stay energized. So here comes this song I'd never heard before, If You Want Love, You Gotta Bring it With You by Irma Thomas. All of a sudden, I thought, you know what, that is so true and it's true about a lot of other things as well.

As we approach Valentine's Day, think about what you're bringing with you to that day and all the days to come. It doesn't matter whether or not you are in a romantic relationship, love is your birthright, but it's also the gift you can bring with you no matter where you go or what you do. The moment you begin to think loving thoughts and bring that to your interactions, the universe gets stirred up and then positive and affirming things begin to flow around you in a way that never happens when you're being needy, ungrateful and complaining.

In a recent blog post, I mentioined that life rewards action, and it rewards loving action in the most predictable and unpredictable ways. The predictable way is that you will simply feel good in the moment and sometimes that's all we need, but the unpredictable is that one day something really special will come your way, you may not connect it to the loving thoughts and deeds you bring with you wherever you go, but I know from experience that when I bring love with me wherever I go then all kinds of positive things happen to me - not in a direct way but in a way that is magical and unexpected. Remember the plumber who stopped and changed my tire a few of weeks ago? Well, some might say that having a blow out on the freeway is not a magical thing, but having someone right there ready, willing and able to change that tire for me and doing it with a smile on his face was sure magical to me, I can tell you that right now!

So bring a little love with you this Valentine's Day and everyday after that...It'll make you feel good and bring some much needed sunshine into someone's else's day and will begin to bring beauty and joy into yours as well and what could be better than that?

Happy Valnetine's Day, Lorraine

PS - For some great housecleaning music tune in the Combast cable channel 937 - it's commercial free - in fact start with Channel 900 and see which kind of musis suits you - there is a channel for every kind of music.

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