Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Becoming a Tall Poppy - Reinvent Your Life Contest Winners

I have a friend who lived in Australia for awhile and she said that over there people were advised not to see themselves as a tall poppy - in other words to stand out from the crowd was seen as against the cultural norm. But here in America, where I live, I think just the opposite is true. From American Idol contestants to Academy Award nominees the desire to stand out is part of the American spirit. But standing out does not necessarily mean winning some award. What it means to me is that you become your best self in the world based on your soul's call. We are all called to do something unique with our lives. Of course this does not have to be winning an Oscar or becoming an overnight success as a recording artist but it does mean doing what you in your own individual way are called to do. That's what my work and my new book - Second Act Soul Calls - The Journey to Find and Develop Your Authentic Self at Midlife and Beyond, (coming out Spring 2012) is all about. So last month I ran a contest for my 12 week Reinvent Your Life online program. I talked to lots of folks about it and my decision is not to announce the winner, because everyone I talked to is a winner - simply by talking to me about this and beginning the journey to hear their soul's call whether they do this with my guidance or on their own. In that regard I would like to share with my readers some of the life challenges the people I spoke with are may find yourself in one of these short descriptions. So here goes...

A 58 year old lawyer who was burned out being a lawyer but didn't have the vaguest idea what he would like to do with the rest of his life.

A 47 year old government worker who felt like he was on autopilot all the time and even though he feared leaving his secure job in a Federal agency, he felt that if he didn't he would end up so dead inside that he would have no enthusiasm for creating a new life after retirement.

A 61 year old stay at home mom whose last child had been out of the nest for five years and she had gone out to lunch and traveled the world but was now ready to do something more meaningful with her days.

A 52 year old office worker who has always wanted to be an anthropologist but can't figure out how to do it and wondered if my program could help her.

A married couple, she is 56 and he is 63, with a nice retirement package on its way when he retires in two years but no idea at all of what they will do with the next twenty to thirty years.

A 49 year old single woman with what everyone says has a great job as a manager in a fortune 500 company but who longs to quit and train horses.

A 70 year old man who has been retired for five years and chomping at the bit to create a non profit that will address environmental issues facing the world but not quite sure how to get the thing off the ground.

A 64 year old woman who has a book she wants to write but is afraid no one will want to read a book by someone her age.

43 year old man who lost his job in the recent financial bust and wonders what else he can do with his time and energy.

A 48 year old woman who wants to try her hand at writing, speaking and consulting on the toxins in our food, water and over the counter medicines but has responsibilities now that she feels prevents this and therefore she feels stuck.

A 61 year old man who knows he is here to do something with his life other than going on a perpetual vacation when he retires in four years but needs help in identifying what that is and ways to make it happen when he does identify it.

These are some of the people I spoke with and I picked one of them to receive my 12 week program. If you see yourself in one of these or know someone who does please feel free to call me or forward my blog address to them. I can help anyone listen to and answer their soul's call and in the process create the life of their dreams. I offer the 12 week program but I also offer one time consulting, one-on-one coaching or a combination of these. You may call me at 303-273-5589 or email me at I look forward to hearing from you. And remember being a tall poppy is cool.

Blessings, Lorraine

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