Monday, April 2, 2012

10 Attributes of People Who Reinvent Themselves at Midlife and Beyond

On Sunday night I tuned into my local PBS station and right there on television was a program called Reinventing Yourself and was about people who took the steps at midlife and beyond to find their purpose, expand their lives and in the process reinvent themselves. This is, of course, the subject of my book and one that I have been writing on for some time now - I was pretty excited to see this program. In case you missed it, it will be on again. Reinventing Yourself - Thursday, April 5 at 9:00 pm on PBS - Channel 12.1 Tune in, I think you'll like it. The film focuses on five individuals who have decided to start life all over again in mid-life by re-shaping their work, their sense of purpose, their relationships, even their personality. While watching the program I started thinking about what made these people different from their contemporaries - what attributes did they have that made them first of all, hear the call for a more expanded version of themselves, and second the courage to act on this call. I identified ten attributes that most of these people displayed. How many of these ten do you possess?

  1. The idea of retiring and simply doing pleasurable activities didn't float their boat - they wanted to do something meaningful and with purpose for the rest of their lives.

  2. They had taken care of themselves both physically, mentally and emotionally and were ready for a new challenge.

  3. They knew that what they thought of themselves was much more important than what others thought of them - they were self reliant and kept their own counsel.

  4. They were willing to seek help and guidance when they felt they needed it and they read books, took classes and used professional help in areas where they felt they needed to improve.

  5. They took action and made commitments and didn't sit around blaming the economy or anything else for the state of their lives - they were proactive.

  6. They were willing to take risks and had the courage to act on their dreams, even when it was difficult and scary.

  7. They didn't make a 180 degree change but used the skills, talents and knowledge they already possessed in new and meaningful ways.

  8. They saw this time of life as offering them the opportunity to make a difference and to live a life of purpose and meaning and they looked for a need in their community or in the world at large and got busy making a difference.

  9. They didn't deny their age but neither did they let it define them - old to them was a state of mind and their state of mind was vital and spirited.

  10. They saw this time of life as filled with possibilities and not filled with limitations - they were pioneers, not settlers put out to pasture by a cultural mindset that no longer served them or society.

These people, and the people I work with as well, also find much joy and self worth in what they are doing. If you would like to explore how you can become a pioneer at midlife and beyond then just give me a call and let's get started reinventing your life.

Blessings, Lorraine

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