Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What Banner Would You Carry?

One of the things I notice about life is that there are a lot of things out there to be passionate about, a lot of things to believe in or not to believe in and we are bombarded on a daily basis with information and passionate pleas to believe in this thing or that thing and to take action in support of these various ideas. The culture as a whole also leans on us to view things in a certain way.  There are more shoulds out there than one could possible believe in and do, and stay sane.

There is also great pressure to choose sides. Democrats want you to believe one thing and they have their supporters and their mouth pieces - so too the Republicans.  There are health and fitness experts telling us how to eat, what to eat and what kind of exercise is best for us.  Then there are all the medical interventions and pills and potions we are told to take to live our most healthy life.  We are told to get this test or get on that program and if we don't the message is that we will be sorry.  There are financial experts who tell us what to invest in, when to begin investing - immediately, of course - and what will befall us if we don't.  We are told which schools to enroll our kids in and what these kids need to study in order to be successful later on.  And speaking of kids, we are told how to raise them, that is, what to do and what not to do, in endless varieties of  theories and programs.  We are even told what church to go to and what beliefs to adhere to if we are to be a good person.  Everyone has an opinion and even my Facebook page is now rife with political, health and fitness and other passionate calls for action.  If you are living in the modern world, that is, if you are hooked up, plugged in and on top of technology, then you simply cannot escape being told what to think and do.  It's incessant and unrelenting.

But Don't Let the Media Should on You

Life, at this time is complex - no doubt about that - and if we don't make some considered choices along the way, we will indeed lose our way.  It's time to think about what we really believe in, what we know for sure and what banner we would be willing to carry.  I call it carrying a banner because what you believe in strongly enough to carry a banner for it, that is, march in a parade, defend your position in a debate or use some of your time and money to support it, is your banner to carry.  If you are not quite ready to carry a banner for it then in my considered opinion, it's time to let that thing go or to do some research until you are willing to let it go or carry that banner.  This is not easy.  Doing research and deciding for yourself is, well, let's face it, hard work and time consuming, but what it does do for you is build your foundation of beliefs so that you can negotiate the world in a more satisfying and gratifying way.

The Good Opinion of Others is Not Important

One of the things many of us fall victim to is wanting to please people, Oprah called this " The Disease to Please" and it is a rampant problem in our culture.  Everyone wants to be popular and have lots of friends and be a part of a group.  Belonging is part of human nature and so we join the Democratic or the Republican party, most of the time because our parents belonged.  We send our kids to a certain school because that's what people in our neighborhood do and we live in a neighborhood with people like us and buy similar cars and clothes in order to fit in.  We want people to like us but we will settle for their approval instead.  But in truth, the person who needs to approve of us and like us, is ourselves.  If I only do what I do to get approval and to be liked by my friends and neighbors at some point this begins to make me feel hollow and fake.  And low and behold, most people really don't like or respect fake, hollow people.  What most people like and respect is someone who is true to his or her own values, beliefs and standards.  They may not agree, but they will respect you, particularly if you are congruent with how you live your life.

Walking Your Talk and Carrying Your Banner

One of the hardest things to do in life is to be true to your beliefs if they do not fit with the mainstream.  This is why so many people go along to get along.  It's simply easier, at first, but is disheartening in the long run. So today, I want you think about all the things you now do and think you believe in and ask yourself, would I march for this, would I carry a banner for this down the street of my neighborhood or in the state capitol? Am I a card carrying member of this club and would I be proud to show my card to anyone?  . If you are not willing to do these things, then it is time to reflect on your true views on which ever of your current "beliefs" you're not sure of and then do some research. One great thing about the media and the Internet is is is filled with information.  We need to sort through it and find people we trust and read what they have to say.  Do they support their claims with real evidence or do they just make claims?   And if what they claim, like this blog, does not lend itself to scientific research, does what they say ring true for you?  Is the person making the claim walking their own talk, that is, do they have proof of the pudding?   If all they are doing is making claims and selling products and services, then I'd say find another expert.

So today I ask you to think about what banner you would be willing to carry and to research and sort through those that you are not sure about.  Once you have your list of those things you would be willing to carry a banner for, you will begin to live your beliefs and that in and of itself will be your banner.  In other words, you will walk your talk and your life will be your banner.  .

Blessings, Lorraine 

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